Monday, November 14, 2016

13 months

A friend made this for me.  Isn't it awesome?

I haven't taken a picture of my weight in a while because it's been the same.  My doctor did warn me that it will get harder to lose the further out from surgery I am.  However, I am not going to let that discourage me.  I have a goal to meet and I'm determined to meet it. 

I have my first spin class this coming Sunday and I'm so excited!!  I'm ridiculously nervous too.  Mark put me at ease the other day when he told me that he still gets nervous before each class which made me feel better. 

I'm not going to lie, it's been hard keeping up with my work-outs.  Being a working mom is hard.  Being a working mom who is trying to arrange her schedule around working out is even harder.  Thank God my husband makes it pretty easy on me by watching the girls when I do need to take a class.  But, he doesn't get home until after 6:00 most nights and it's getting colder out.  The combination makes staying home in my warm house much more enticing.  I need to push myself harder...  nobody is going to build the muscle for me.  Along with weight goals I have strength goals I want to meet.  I want to be able to do a handstand in TRX and a wheel in Yoga without help. 

I'd like to get down to 195 by the end of November.  fingers crossed that I can do it...  especially with Thanksgiving in there! 

Until next time....

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