Monday, November 14, 2016
13 months
A friend made this for me. Isn't it awesome?
I haven't taken a picture of my weight in a while because it's been the same. My doctor did warn me that it will get harder to lose the further out from surgery I am. However, I am not going to let that discourage me. I have a goal to meet and I'm determined to meet it.
I have my first spin class this coming Sunday and I'm so excited!! I'm ridiculously nervous too. Mark put me at ease the other day when he told me that he still gets nervous before each class which made me feel better.
I'm not going to lie, it's been hard keeping up with my work-outs. Being a working mom is hard. Being a working mom who is trying to arrange her schedule around working out is even harder. Thank God my husband makes it pretty easy on me by watching the girls when I do need to take a class. But, he doesn't get home until after 6:00 most nights and it's getting colder out. The combination makes staying home in my warm house much more enticing. I need to push myself harder... nobody is going to build the muscle for me. Along with weight goals I have strength goals I want to meet. I want to be able to do a handstand in TRX and a wheel in Yoga without help.
I'd like to get down to 195 by the end of November. fingers crossed that I can do it... especially with Thanksgiving in there!
Until next time....
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Week 51
I think I miscounted weeks somewhere along the way....
5 pounds down this week! And SO CLOSE to ONEDERLAND!!!
So I've continued with the Ketosis diet and it's worked! I "cheated" a little bit last night and indulged in Pumpkin Ice Cream from Merrymead.
I'm staying consistent with working out 4 days per week. Saturday I have a Vino & Vinyasa event at the gym and I'm SO excited to do it! I've fallen in love with yoga so much!
I have some exciting stuff going on that I can't wait to share... but it's still in the works! So, stay tuned for that!
Until then....
High Weight: 324
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 200.8
Total Loss: 123.2
Next goal.... 199 pounds... 1.8 pounds to go!
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Week 49
Down 1.4 pounds this week! I got scared on Monday because I was up to 209 and change. I did some drinking over the weekend and it caught up to me very fast!
I'm on a ketosis diet for two weeks. It's basically super high proteins and very low carbs. It's really the way I should be eating when all the other stuff doesn't creep its way in.
I've had to back off my workouts now that I'm back at work and the girls are back to school. But, I've been managing to get in two during the week and two on the weekends so I'm at 4 workouts per week. I'm still pretty proud of that. I've been doing spin, yoga (including hot yoga which I'm loving!) and barre. I've backed off the weight type classes for right now in an effort to get more cardio in.
The big news this week is that I signed up for my SCHWINN spin instructor class! It's on 10/29 and it's a full day 9 hour class. I'm really excited about it and a little nervous. It's a big step I'm taking...
My ONE YEAR follow-up apt is in Tuesday, 10/4 with my bariatric doctor. I'm excited to see how far I've come. They have my pre-op picture on my patient folder. It'll be nice to get a year post-op to go with that!
That's about it for now.
High Weight: 324
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 205.8
Total Loss: 118.2
Next goal.... 199 pounds... 6.8 pounds to go!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Week 48
I am so sorry for my disappearance over the summer! We were home with the girls so my time in front of a PC was limited!
A lot has gone on in the past 6 weeks. I've been doing personal training 1-2 times a week with my Personal Trainer. I've been working out at least 5 times per week. I'm gaining muscle where I never had muscle before. I had my hands on my sides last night and I could actually FEEL my oblique muscles. Where have THEY been hiding? My triceps aren't as saggy as they once were. I actually have a bicep now! It's been so cool to see my body change in ways I never realized were possible.
On the flip side, my weight has been stalled for 6 weeks. Up until yesterday I was flipping between 208-210 for 6 weeks. Yesterday I finally reached 207.2. I realize that it's because I'm building muscle and getting healthier. It's still frustrating though. I really want to be at 199 for my one year follow-up with my doctor on 10/4.
My latest workout obsession is HOT YOGA! I never would have thought that I'd like it. Never. But I love it! The temperature doesn't bother me like I thought it would. It makes me sweat so much. I've never seen my arms and legs sweat before like they do in hot yoga. It's nuts!
My spin instructor training is coming up at the end of October, so I'm excited about that too! I have my first playlist put together and I'm loving it! I may be going for another certification too... it hasn't come to fruition yet so I'll save that for another time. All good things though!
Here's a current picture. I think it shows pretty well how far I've come. A pair of Old Navy jeans in size 16 and a Banana Republic top (that was a dress but it shrunk) in a XL.
Compared to this picture at 324 pounds a 3x shirt and yoga pants in 26/28... Yea, I've come a long way.
I've got some exciting things coming up! Stay tuned this fall to see where this blog goes!
Until next week....
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 207.2
Total Loss: 116.8
Next goal.... 199 pounds... 8.2 pounds to go!
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Week 42
5.8 pounds gone this week!
And also???
210 Goal BLOWN!!!
I'm really proud of myself for my hard work this week. I kept my food very tight, worked out 5 days this week (plus two swim days with the girls) and LOOK what I accomplished! Success happens when you have the right mindset!
This week I plan on doing the same thing + I'm adding in two training sessions with Regina! I'm excited about them! Regina has been one of my best supporters outside of my family and I can't thank her enough for always pushing me to do my best!
High Weight: 324
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 208
Total Loss: 116
Next goal.... 199 pounds... 9 pounds to go!
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Week 41
I'm very proud of myself this week! I worked out SIX days this week! I ate right. I moved.
I start a new job next week. I'm very excited about it. It's going to make life more challenging with working out and eating right... but it's nothing I can't handle. My health is a priority and it will continue to be so.
I have a goal of being at 200 by the end of the summer. That gives me 7.5 weeks to lost 14 pounds. That's 2 pounds a week. I think that is totally doable. If I look at (on average) how much weight I've lost over the past 41 weeks, it comes out to 2.7 pounds a week. Yes! Totally doable!
I've got an exciting special going on with my Facebook page! If you go to Fit Results and mention my blog you get TWO FREE CLASSES (for new clients only)! Go and sign up ASAP! This special is only running through next Saturday.
I've got more exciting things coming up! Stay tuned!
High Weight: 324
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 213.8
Total Loss: 110.2
Next goal.... 210 pounds... 3.8 pounds to go!
Week 41
I'm very proud of myself this week! I worked out SIX days this week! I ate right. I moved.
I start a new job next week. I'm very excited about it. It's going to make life more challenging with working out and eating right... but it's nothing I can't handle. My health is a priority and it will continue to be so.
I have a goal of being at 200 by the end of the summer. That gives me 7.5 weeks to lost 14 pounds. That's 2 pounds a week. I think that is totally doable. If I look at (on average) how much weight I've lost over the past 41 weeks, it comes out to 2.7 pounds a week. Yes! Totally doable!
I've got an exciting special going on with my Facebook page! If you go to Fit Results and mention my blog you get TWO FREE CLASSES (for new clients only)! Go and sign up ASAP! This special is only running through next Saturday.
I've got more exciting things coming up! Stay tuned!
Friday, July 22, 2016
Week 40 - If I'm being honest..
If I'm being honest, life gets in the way sometimes.
As most of you know, I have two small children. My girls take priority over everything. With it being summer, they've wanted to be outside more. Playing in the sprinkler, learning to ride bikes, eating outside, etc. You know it outside and they want to do it. I say this not as an excuse, but a reason of why I haven't blogged in a while. To be able to sit down at the computer and write hasn't been a possibility recently.
There's been some other things that have come up over the past couple months too. But, this isn't the place for bitching.
So... onto the week's weigh-in
I'm up 1.4 pounds.
For not writing down what I've been eating for the past month, I'm happy with a 1.4 pound gain. I've been keeping track in my head of my macros and moving when I can. I took 2 barre classes last weekend that I really liked. Next week I'll be able to get back into my full time workout routine as well as tracking my macros. In addition, I need to start practicing for when I become a spin instructor!
All that said, I ask you to bare with me. I haven't (and won't!) give up. I'm so close to Onederland and am still determined to get there by the end of the summer!
Onto non-scale victories...
1. I bought a BIKINI! Now, it's a high-waisted bikini and I'm still getting comfortable in it, but I'm pretty proud of myself!
2. Today I'm wearing size 18 jeans that are WAY too big on me. At the end of the day they'll be going in my donate pile.
Fall is coming and I have NO fall/winter clothes that fit me. I have to be frugal with my shopping but need some feedback on great stores to shop. I adore Macy's so that will stay. But, I would love to hear about your favorite place to shop!
High Weight: 324
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 216.8
Total Loss: 107.2 pounds
Next goal.... 210 pounds... 6.8 pounds to go!
Friday, June 24, 2016
Week 36
4 pounds gone in two weeks!
I'm sorry for being MIA the past month... I've had some "writers block" for lack of a better term.
I've been slacking on exercise this week. My head hasn't been in it. I'll be the first to tell you when I'm just coasting by and this week I've definitely been coasting. Yes, I've lost four pounds but I haven't been tracking foods or eating healthy. I've felt it in both my attitude and my exercise.
And so, it changes. There's no way I'm going back to where I was so it's time to switch things up. Get back into classes every day, upping my protein intake and cut out the junk. It's time to take my health back into my own hands and do the hard work it takes to push through my next goal of 210.
In non-scale victory news, I purchased a pair of jean capris about two months ago online. They were tight when I bought them but I got such a good deal that I hung onto them rather than returning. About 4 weeks ago I tried to put them on and they were still tight in my lower belly area (my arch nemesis of my body). Today I put them on and not only did they fit, they looked good!
High Weight: 324
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 215.4
Total Loss: 108.6 pounds
5.4 pounds to go until my next goal is met!
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Week 34
2.8 pounds lost in the past 3 weeks!
First off, my apologies for not blogging for the past 2.5 weeks. I've had a lot going on in my life and not much time to sit down at the computer. So again, my apologies...
I've got some exciting stuff going on... if you follow my on Facebook, you know I'm signing up to be a spin instructor. It's a one day course I'll take at Rutgers University. After that I'll train with Regina to get everything down. I'm SO EXCITED!!!! I still cannot believe it... ME! A SPIN INSTRUCTOR! ME! The one who was too lazy to do much of anything a year ago. Wow. Blows my mind.
Let me start from the beginning... At the beginning of November, 2015 I was looking for some form of exercise to do other than the gym. My friend Kate suggested spin. She had done it years ago and really enjoyed it. I went to Groupon did a search and found Fit Results. It was cheap, close and Kate was going to go with me so I said what the heck.
The first time we walked in we were greeted by Alena. Alena is a sweetheart. She has a Georgian twang that makes me smile every time I hear it. Don't let that sweet face fool you though. She can sweat with the best of them and push you when you need it.
I walked out of my first class sore in places I didn't know existed and swore to Kate that I wasn't coming back. The good thing is I already paid for the Groupon deal so I wanted to get the most for my money. And so, I went back.... again and again and again.
The next class I took was Regina's. Oh sweet Regina. You see those eyes? That's passion and determination. She has such a love for what she does and it truly shines through in every single class. I've yet to see her in a bad mood or not giving her 110% to her career. She absolutely cares about her clients. We are not just clients, we are friends. When you walk into Fit Results, you walk into a family. One that cares so deeply about your health and well being that they go the extra mile for you. The challenge you when you would really like to tell them to shut up. ;-)
Regina is not only my "trainer", she is my friend. Without her, I really do not think I would be where I am today. I can bounce ideas off her without hesitation. She cares. That's the only way I can describe her without blogging for 3 pages about her or getting all sappy and letting her think I actually like her. ;-)
Next, Kate thought it would be a BRILLIANT idea to take a boot camp class. SHE WAS WRONG. Boot camp is hard. SO SO SO HARD. I'll be honest when I say I didn't like it. I was sore for at least a week after. What I did take away from it though is a new respect for Marci.
Marci is the one I love to hate. Good thing she has a thick skin or she'd probably think I'm telling the truth. I take Marci's Tuesday night boot camp class. It's not my favorite class but it's something that I desperately need. It is strengthening my core and building muscle. I'm sore for a couple days after class but in a good way. You'll hear Marci say several times during class "YES YOU CAN!" And she's right, you can.
The last class is a new love... Yoga. I absolutely love yoga. The relaxation, the stretch and the ability to make my body do things I never imagined are all new things for me.
This is Brenda. Brenda is by far one of the sweetest, calmest, most zen people I know. The first class I took with her was Hot Yoga. And while I really liked it, its right in the middle of my girls bedtime. Recently, she started a Thursday morning beginner class. I've been in the past 3-4 classes and it's been a joy. She's taught my stretches that have come in very handy for after a rough day and she has me practicing wheeling. If you don't know what that is, google image it and check back... I'll wait...
Crazy huh? I can get my butt and down up but the chest and head don't yet want to lift off the ground. I'm practicing though and am determined to get there.
Her practice is very moving. You walk out free from stress and with a calmness that cannot be described. She comes around and adjusts positions which I personally really like. It's not doing my body any good if I'm not positioned correctly. She has mantras that she shares during the practice and ends each one with the same Namaste.
Okay, so she may not say it quite like that... but it's close. teehee!!!
So, that's it... my gym family. The people who push me and motivate me and have made me part of their lives whether I like it or not. I'm honored to be one of them and I'll be even more honored when I have the privilege of working with them.
Thank you all for everything you have done for me. I wouldn't be this person today without each and every one of you. To each of you I bow and say Namaste.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Week 31
WOW! 7.8 pounds lost this week!!!
I have so many victories this week... both scale and non-scale related. First off, 7.8 pounds in one week! YES!! My reset is absolutely working. In 10 weeks I've managed to lose 20 pounds. TEN WEEKS! I thought I was stalling for a while but really my body was doing it's thing and catching up to where it needed to be.
Second, look what happened yesterday!
![]() |
My beautiful friend Amy... or the 100 pounds I lost |
And now for a Non-Scale victory... I've had a crappy week at work so last night I did some retail therapy. As always, I went to the plus size section. but even the 1x's were looking too big. So I went over to the misses... and guess what fits? SIZE XL! I bought 3 shirts and they are all XL! And, I bought a new bra and went down a band size! I was so happy in the dressing room I started crying. Someone actually knocked on the dressing room door to ask if I was alright! ;-)
This is one of the dresses I tried on. I really liked it and it was super COMFY! But, it was about an inch too short for my liking so back on the rack it went.
I'm glad I didn't get it... while getting ready this morning I noticed I have at least 3 black and white dresses. Plus that cute shirt you see hanging up in the dressing room.
So, that's about it for this week.
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 222.2
Total Loss: 101.8 pounds!!!!
Until next week....
Friday, May 13, 2016
Week 30
.8 pounds lost.
Or as I like to call it... my body is trying to eff with me. As I told a friend the other day, I'm one good poop from being out of the 230's. :-)
So, Monday starts my liquid diet. Before I get e-mails or messages telling me to do otherwise, I'll let you know now this is recommended by my doctor. In the bariatric world, it's pretty common to do a "pouch reset" so to speak. It helps jumpstart your body, gives you the protein and nutrients your body needs and you may not be getting for a number of reasons. Only light exercise is recommended during this two week period so I have to stick with walking and yoga.
I knew that the weight loss would slow down at some point. It's frustrating that it's taken 7 weeks to get off 10 pounds. I also know that I've been working out more intensely over the past two months and building muscle. And the scale may slow down from that as well. But, I've been allowing sugars back into my diet that shouldn't be there. And that is one of the main reasons for this liquid diet.
I'd really like to be at 100 pounds lost at the end of the two weeks. The gives me two weeks to lost six pounds. I think that's doable considering when I was on this for the two weeks before my surgery I lost 18 pounds.
So, the next two weeks are going to be full of protein shakes, chicken broth, water, non starch-y vegetables and sugar free jello. You're jealous, aren't you? You should be. LOL!! If you bump into me Monday Tuesday or Wednesday of next week please accept my apologies in advance for my crabbiness.
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 230
Total Loss: 94
Until next week....
Friday, May 6, 2016
Week 29
So, if you saw my Vlog last week you know I gained a pound in Week 28. So this weeks weight puts me down 1.6 pounds.
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 230.8
Total Loss: 93.2
I up'd my game this week working out. I took a body sculpt class that I don't particularly like (only because it's hard, the instructor is great) but I know I need. I also took a yoga class yesterday morning that I absolutely loved. I felt completely relaxed and zen when I walked out of the studio. Lastly, I took (well, one is tomorrow) 2 spin and sculpt classes. I like this because I get a little bit of what I like and a little bit of what I need. I also took two regular spin classes... last night's kicked my butt!!
I think I need to go back to basics with my diet. I've been letting sweets sneak in the past week (a little too much) and I need to get that under control before it spirals into something else. Basics for a bariatric patient means going back to a liquid diet for two weeks. It's protein shakes, water, broth, non-starchy veggies, and sugar free jello. If you've been following for a while - it's the same diet I did two weeks before my surgery. The only problem with this is I can't work out (other than light cardio) for those two weeks. I may be able to do a gentle yoga class and some walking in my neighborhood, but that's it. So, I need to mentally prepare for this.
That's about it for this week. Until next week....
Friday, April 22, 2016
Week 27
1.6 pounds down!
I'm so close to being out of the 230's! It wasn't all that long ago that I was excited to be in them! I have an exciting weekend coming up... On Sunday I'm walking a 5k with the girls daycare... every year they raise money for the March for Dimes. I'm borrowing a jogging stroller for Hannah to sit in and hopefully Zoey will walk it.
I have another 5k coming up in a few weeks to benefit preeclampsia research. I'm really excited about this one! If anyone wants to join me - let me know! It would be fun to have some company!
That's about all I have for today... I need to start writing blog ideas down during the week. I think of something really great and then by the time Thursday or Friday comes around I totally forget!
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 231.4
Total Loss: 92.6
Until next week....
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Week 26
2.4 pounds lost!
I'm down 91 pounds!
I surpassed my next goal of being under 235. I officially weigh less than I did when I got married. My next goal is 210.
I recently found For a nominal fee, they will look at your goals, activity, and foods and set your macros at a reasonable amount. I'm pretty excited to get started! The woman who owns the company has been through surgery herself. She's overcome the hurtles and knows all about the bariatric world. This is so reassuring to me!
The spin studio I go to is participating in a bike race in the summer. I'm thinking of participating in it. I'd have to get a bike first so we'll see! I haven't been on a bike in at least 20 years!
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 233
Total Loss: 91
Until next week....
Friday, April 8, 2016
Week 25
3.2 pounds gone!
I had an appointment with my bariatric doctor on Tuesday. He's so happy with my progress so far. He said at this point it is all me losing the weight and no longer the sleeve doing the work for me. So, that's exciting! I told him about my love for spin and he's so proud of me! He spins too so I told him he needs to come to a class with me. What a hoot that would be!
I've gotten some facebook messages over the past couple weeks asking about the surgery. For anyone interested, I'll answer them here.
1. Surgery is not for everyone. Obviously do what you can to lose weight on your own first. Don't follow any fad diets. Clean eating and exercise are essential.
2. No, the surgery was not easy. I was in pain in the beginning. There have been times where I've eaten too much of something and I've gotten sick. This is NOT the easy way out. I cannot stress that enough.
3. It takes work. Your body can only hold so much food at any given time. You have to make sure those foods count. Again, CLEAN eating. Good fats, carbs and high protein. Do not use the fat free stuff. Don't go no-carb. Your body needs both of these to burn the fat your body. Drink your liquids. It's so very important after this surgery to stay hydrated. So many people I know have gone back to the hospital for dehydration. It's hard to get all of your water in right after surgery but you have to do the best you can.
4. Will you lose weight without working out? Sure. But you will lose it faster and KEEP IT OFF easier if you workout. This is the only way you will tone as well. I'm not saying you have to spin like I do. Lift weights, go to the mall to walk around, walk in your neighborhood, find a treadmill on craigslist. DO SOMETHING to MOVE!
I may sound like a broken record because I have said this before. It's important though. It's the only way to be successful. Regain is a very real thing. When you hit maintenance you have to leave yourself a few pound variance. You have to continue to work to keep it off.
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Today's Weight: 235.4
Total Loss: 88.6
Until next week....
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Week 24
I have my 6 month post surgery check-up on Tuesday. I'm kind of excited about it. It's always nice to check in with my doctor and the PA. I need to touch base with the nutritionist to see what my caloric intake should be at this point.
I've been trying more and more to keep active. Whether it's spinning, walking or running at the park with the kids... it all counts! Last week we took the kids to the park for a while. We played on the seesaw for quite some time. I didn't think anything of it that day but the next day... WOAH! My inner thighs were ON FIRE! I was walking like I just got off a horse for two days!
I was talking to a friend yesterday on my walk. We were talking about the skin issues that some people have after this surgery. If you don't tone, you're going to have loose, sagging skin... no question about it. Now, I presume I'm going to have a pooch of some sort still just from the two C-sections I had. But if I keep up with the exercise, I'm hoping the loose skin will be kept to a minimum.
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Current Weight: 238.6
Total Lost: 85.4!
Until next week....
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Week 23
.4 pounds lost this week. I'll take it... a loss is a loss.
I have to go back to tracking my foods. I'm almost positive I'm not eating enough calorie-wise. Since I'm expelling so much energy/calories working out I need to replace some of them. I'm making a call to my nutritionist today to see what my target caloric intake should be per day.
I've been busting butt recently working out. Yesterday I took TWO spin classes! I'm also doing a Couch to 5k that has been challenging. Next weekend I'm walking a mile for the Office Brad Fox 5k and a few weeks after that I'm walking/running this walk. I'm setting up a donation page for the second one soon... stay tuned!
I'm feeling such a difference in my body. I'm stronger, I can climb up and down the stairs much better, my knee hasn't been an issue and my asthma hasn't been an issue. I'm so much more healthy than I was six months ago. I've still got a while to go but I'm getting there!
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Current Weight: 240.6
Total Lost: 83.4 pounds!
Until next week....
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Week 22
3 pounds down this week! The stall is over!
I busted my butt this week so I'm glad the scale is showing my hard work!
I've been thinking the past couple days about my journey. For the most part, I' ve kept quiet on the fact that I had weight loss surgery. I'm not exactly sure why. I'm definitely not ashamed of it. It was a huge decision that had a fantastic impact in my health. It's made me stronger, healthier and has changed my way of thinking. I'm more confident in myself and my abilities. I'm doing things that I never thought was possible! ME addicted to SPIN classes? I chuckle to myself every time I think about it. Did I ever think I'd create a Couch to 5k group on Facebook? Hell no. There's only 20-something members and I'm only on day two but I'm doing it!
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I'm thinking of creating a Facebook page just for my journey. To show people that it actually IS possible to get in shape. That there's NO SHAME in having Weightloss surgery. It takes immense dedication and a commitment to both your diet and your exercise. They really do go hand in hand. Will you lose weight without exercising? Sure. But, you will not tone and you will lose much slower than if you had added in exercise.
I'd love to be one person's motivation like a few people are for me. Outside of my husband and daughters, I have a handful of people who have motivated me to keep going and push me when I don't think it's possible to keep going. I'd love to be able to do that for just one person out there. If I can get one person to get their butt off the couch and go for a walk or take a spin class (do it, it's so FUN!) then I'll be ecstatic! If I can be emotional support for one person who is deciding whether or not to have weight loss surgery, I'd be complete. It's a HUGE decision. When you've tried every diet out there and have failed for one reason or another you start to feel helpless. You begin to feel like you have no other choice and you're destined to be fat. You have to start someplace and if WLS is that place, then DO IT! There has not been one day where I've woken up and thought "Man, I really wish I didn't get this surgery. I hate being able to move and take charge of my health!"
We'll see where this leads. I'm not sure what I'm thinking just yet but it can only lead to something great. Of this I am sure!
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery weight: 300
Surgery weight: 300
Current Weight: 241
Total Lost:83 POUNDS!!!
Until next week....
Monday, March 14, 2016
Week 21
Second week of my stall.
I've had stalls before so I'm not overly concerned about this. It's my body's way of catching up to everything that's going on inside. I just keep pounding and eventually the scale will begin to move.
I don't know if I've mentioned my love for my spin class on here yet. Last week I took 5 classes at the studio... 4 were spin and one was a body sculpt class. Body sculpt I can take or leave. But spin? I've found a new love. I can push myself as much or as little as I want. There have been some days where I go slower and some days I've pushed myself really, really hard.
Last week I had one of those nights where I pushed myself really hard. I burned almost 1,100 calories in a 2 hour time period. I let my Apple Watch keep running for an hour after I got home and I kept on burning. It felt great!!
Until next week (which is really this week because of my lovely timing)...
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Week 19
1.4 pounds gone this week! And... another goal met!
I'm pretty proud of myself for having lost this week. When I came home from my trip on Monday night I was up 2 pounds from the imbibing I had done over the weekend. The good thing is I can hold my liquor. The bad thing is I can hold my liquor. LOL!
I'm back at exercising. I took a spin class yesterday that is a beginner/intermediate class. I LOVE the place I take classes. The instructors and owner are so nice. They genuinely care about your health and look forward to seeing you in class! I much prefer going there vs going to the gym. The gym is something I HAVE to do, the classes are something I WANT to do. Huge difference.
I started looking into the Beachbody workouts. Just to have the convenience of having something at home to do. I like the look of the CIZE workouts. And I think the girls would really like to do that with me!
I had my post-op apt last week with my Surgeon. He's really happy with my progress thus far. My next appointment is in April. He predicted I would be down about 90 pounds by then. I'm determined to prove him wrong and be at 100 pounds... So there is my next goal. By April 7th I'd like to be at 224 pounds (100 pounds down). That is 6 weeks from today. If I keep my food, fluids and exercise tight I CAN do it! That's an average of 3.3 pounds per week.
I'm looking forward to the nicer weather so I can get outside and start running. I think I blogged before about a 5k coming up that I'm signed up for. I need to start running outside so I can train for it.
That's about it for today. Until next week....
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