There it is. My weight on 1/2/2017.
That's the last time I'll see the 200's again.
I know all in all I only had a 2 pound weight gain over the holidays and that's pretty good. But, I also know that even though it's only two pounds the quality of my food has diminished. I haven't been eating what I should. I also haven't been working out as much as I should (for numerous reasons). It ends today.
Tomorrow I begin a two week cleanse. Today I started working out again. It was hard to get back into it, but I'm SO glad I did. I took a hot yoga class with Brenda and it was amazing. I love how strong I feel after a hot yoga class.
I've come a long way over the past year. But, I still have a while to go. I cannot will not allow myself to slack any more. I will not allow myself to gain any more. I have a goal to meet and I WILL meet it.
Everyone always has such great goals for the New Year. Lose weight, get healthy, quit smoking, etc. My goal? More patience. More patience for myself... more patience with my children... more patience with my husband. Please note I said goal... not resolution. I believe resolutions were made to be broken. Goals are meant to be met. To be earned. To be worked for. Goals. Goals allow you the grace to stumble and get back up. Goals allow you to hop back on that horse. Goals.
Of course, a large goal I have for myself is to meet that number on the scale. However, the bigger picture is health. The bigger picture is understanding that the number may not move or move slowly. The bigger picture is focusing on getting stronger, on building muscle and keeping myself in check. The bigger picture is doing this not only for my family but for myself. The bigger picture.
What are your goals for the new year? How will you improve on yourself?
Check-in's will now be on Mondays as I feel that keeps me even more accountable over the weekend.
Until next week....