Thursday, December 17, 2015

Week 10

Another 3 pounds down! 
High Weight: 324
Starting Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Current Weight: 262.8
Lost: 61.2 pounds
Since I have two doxies, I've been waiting to use this picture! 

Here's some comparison pictures...  left picture is from October 7th.  The right picture is December 8th. 

Overall, I'm feeling really good.  I've been sluggish this week though.  After looking back through my food diary I figured out that I am not getting enough protein.  So, I'm going to add protein shakes back in for my breakfast every day. 

I killed it at spin this past week.  It was the first time I was able to get up off the seat for an extended period of time.  I felt it for the next two days though.  I guess that's what it is supposed to do! 

I want to lose 7 more pounds by the end of the year so we'll see how the next two weeks go! 


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 9

Down 3.4 pounds this week! 
I'm starting to feel a lot better health wise.  And feeling better means back to the gym!  Every time I go to the gym I try to challenge myself to do more.  I'm comfortable with the treadmill.  I can do it well and for a long time.  When I'm walking at a quick pace I can get the MPH up to 3.6. 
Yesterday I decided to switch it up a little bit.  I did a mile on the treadmill in 18 minutes (a record for me!).  I then moved to the elliptical which is a new machine for me.  I was only able to do three minutes, but that's three minutes that I wasn't able to do last month!  Then I moved to the bike and did 5 miles on the bike.  Now, 5 miles on a bike is pretty easy to do so I wasn't really sweating.  The thing the bike is good for is stretching out my knee that I had surgery on back in 2008.  It still gets stiff sometimes and the stretch feels good! 
I was bouncing on the ball after my workout and stretching out.  I still had energy.  Sometimes I get so much energy I feel like I just have to keep going.  And so I did...  I walked home the 1.3 miles.  I kept up a good pace so that my heart rate wouldn't drop.  And I stretched on my front lawn when I got home.  If it wasn't for keeping an appointment I may have walked back to the gym to pick up my car.  Some other day!! 
Onto Non-Scale victories... 
Yesterday I went shopping with a girlfriend for new bras.  I had absolutely NO idea what size I was but I knew I had to be fitted.  I headed to Soma and was pleasantly surprised that I didn't have to go to a Plus size store to get new bras!  I was a 46DDD and am now a 42DD.  I've always had big boobs so I don't expect my cup size to go down too much but I'd be very comfortable with a solid D cup. 
It feels good to be able to put on a dress and LIKE the way I look.  I feel cute.  Trust me, I still have a long way to go but I'm nowhere near where I was 3 months ago.  And for that I'm eternally grateful. 
For the biggest NSV...  I bought my first pair of SKINNY JEANS!!!  I was in a tight size 28 pant before surgery.  Now I'm in a comfortable size 22!  Most of my dress pants are a size 24.  I think when I go down one more size I'll take 4-5 pairs to the dry cleaner and have them taken in.  I just can't justify spending $$ on clothes for each size I go down. 
I still have a little over 100 pounds to go until I'm at my goal weight.  But I'm 33% of the way there!  My BMI has dropped TEN points since surgery!  TEN Points!  That's amazing! 
Current Stats:
Starting Weight: 324
Pre-Surgery Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Current Weight: 265.8
Current Loss: 58.2 pounds! 
Until next week... 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 8

7.8 pounds this week!!!
I'm really not sure how I did this past week considering me asthma is still bothering me.  I went to the doctor AGAIN yesterday.  Just as I suspected, bronchitis.  I got some antibiotics and a stronger steroid.  Hopefully the meds work and I'm back to the gym this weekend. 
So, last week was Thanksgiving.  I'm surprised that I was okay with cooking and not eating most of it.  Here was my plate. 

I had a teaspoon full of all the foods.  By the way, that is a salad plate.  I didn't eat the corn or the mashed potatoes.  The rest was really yummy!!  And I shockingly didn't miss dessert at all. 

I went through my closet this week and put all the clothes that are too big for me into a pile to bag up.  It was my entire wardrobe!  Everything was so big.  I got out clothes that are TWO sizes smaller!  My closet looks so cute now!  It's like I have all new clothes but didn't have to buy any of them.  :-) 

I got this dress at Target this past weekend.  The best part about it?  It's a 1x and not a 3x! 

I also took advantage of a Black Friday sale and got myself my first ever pair of high boots!  My calves were always too big to fit into them.  Woohoo!! 

Current Stats:

High Weight: 324
Beginning Weight: 318
Surgery Weight: 300
Current Weight: 269.2

That's a total of 54.8 pounds lost.  48.8 pounds lost in 10 weeks and 30.8 pounds lost in the 8 weeks since surgery.  That's an average of 4.5 pounds lost per week.  The "My Weight" app I have on my phone says if I keep going at this pace I'll be at my goal of 160 by May 5, 2016.  Of course, I know I'm going to hit more stalls and it is not always going to move this fast. 

The thought of shopping for summer clothes in a regular size and not in the plus section or store makes me giddy though!  The thought of paying for the clothes?  Not so giddy.  I'm putting aside some money from my Christmas bonus this year to spend in the spring. 

Until next week...